Now the girls are getting older we are enjoying some longer dog walks with them. We live in such a great area for getting out and about and we are always looking for new places to go as a family. Last week we decided to do a walk that we do quite often but decided […]
14 October Half Term & Halloween activities in Torbay
October Half Term is looming and we have started to have the discussion about who is taking what time off work to look after the girls. As per usual we will be tag teaming, some Daddy days, some Mummy days and some Granparents days. Hopefully we will be able to find a day or two […]
Devon Days Out – Greenway, the home of Agatha Christie
About 10 minutes outside of Paignton, in a little village called Galmpton, there stands a gorgeous house on the banks of the River Dart. The house is called Greenway and was the holiday home of the famous author Agatha Christie. Even though it is only down the road from us we have never be. But […]
How we get to our Devon Days Out
I think it is time for me to introduce to you our Big Red Fun Bus. Our bright red VW T5 van came into our lives just over a year ago and since then we have had many an adventure in it, including all our Devon Days Out. It also got us and all the […]